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Every ball counts, and every good ball deserves a second chance.


For decades the question “why can’t tennis balls be recycled” kept springing up in a young tennis pro’s mind.


As he matured in the sport and honed his skills he became more and more involved in the day to day operation of the courts where he worked and trained. He saw daily the hundreds, no thousands of balls in the practice carts and found that these balls got replaced every few weeks with new balls. To him, an unsettling dichotomy emerged - how great it was that he could drill for long sessions with a cart of 300 balls before having to ever go pick one up off the court, YET how sad it was that so many balls were produced and discarded just to afford him that convenience. "My goodness, how many balls does my club go through?" he eventually asked club staff, discovering it was a staggering number. 

But clubs were just the tip of the iceberg. Millions of individual tennis players around the country were buying and using hundreds of balls themselves, and where were they all going? — thats right, the landfill.

So that's why we thought to give a second life tennis ball and make our dogs happy!!!






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